CMS students display enormous talent and hidden potential on their Open Day

Lucknow, April 29 : City Montessori School, Aliganj Campus celebrated its Open Day at the School Campus with great fervor and joy. The parents were overjoyed to witness the outpour of talent in their wards through cooperative games, self-made exquisite pieces of handicraft, computer, physical music and dance. They expressed their feelings and emotions with great artistic ability through drawings and paintings leaving the spectators awe-struck with their creative abilities and the excellent teaching standards of the school. The important thing about the celebrations was the wholehearted appreciation of the parents and guardians of children’s efforts at the Open Day and the system of Broader and Bolder Educational Pattern exhibited at the function which is followed at CMS. The wonderful mingling of old and traditional ideas with the latest teaching technology and pedagogies was an opener for the eager parents. ...