Religion inspires us to live in mutual harmony, unity and peace — Opinion of scholars and thinkers of various countries
Lucknow, July 16: The three-day International Interfaith Conference organized by City Montessori School, Asharfabad Campus came to a grand close today with a firm resolve to spread world unity, peace and religious harmony in all corners of the world. At the closing ceremony, the scholars, judicial experts, philosophers, educationists and social workers and the religious gurus gathered here called upon the people to remove hatred and sow the seeds of love and brotherhood in their hearts. The global problems like climate change, social justice, education, gender discrimination and various other kinds of differences should not act as a divide among people. Instead religion must act as a healing balm and unite the people for every religion believes in peace and harmony, in justice and unity. We must set aside our petty differences and work together for the progress of humanity, they opined. It may be mentioned that the International Interfaith conference was organized from 14 to 16 July 2023 on the theme 'Unity of Thought among Religion: For a Better World' at CMS Kanpur Road Auditorium.
Commencing the talks on the 3rd and concluding day of the conference, prominent Baha'i follower and CMS Founder, Dr Jagdish Gandhi said that religion teaches us about human values and leads to our spiritual progress. Therefore it is important that we spread love amongst our fellowmen. He expressed the belief that this International Conference will keep inspiring us to continue with our efforts in uniting the world with the powerful force of religion and to bring the people of the earth close to each other. Swami Muktinathananda representing Hinduism said that we should remember to live in togetherness because our country needs help and unity of all religions. Sardar Harpal Singh Jaggi representing Sikh religion said that religion has an indispensable role to play in development. Nations progress only when all religions contribute to it. Bhante Gyanalok representing Buddhism, said that all religions should coexist coherently. Spirituality is the common thread that binds all religions. Shri Veer Shailendra Kumar Jain said that development of society can happen when people act collectively. Superstitious must be removed. Religions must be more open to others for establishing unity. Similarly, Dr. Anil Sarwal (Baha'i), Reverend Dr. Father Denis Naresh Lobo (Christianity) expressed their views.
On the final day of the Conference, there was panel discussion on various topics. 'Religion and an ethical code for technology' was the theme of dscussion in which Dr. Divya Gupta, Dr. Ajit Kumar Shasany, Reverend Dr. Father Denis Naresh Lobo and CMS student Jaya Singh participated. Mr. Rohit Mishra conducted the proceedings.Simmilarly in 'Youth Interfaith Forum' panel discussion, CMS students Mujtaba Ali Khan, Anaika Pathak and Bhuwan Jaiswal participated and expressed their views. Besides them, Mr Shahzad Alam and Dr David Risely of USA also participated in the discussion. In this panel, Dr Sally Hammoud conducted the proceedings amiably. Besides, various competitions like poster making, declamation, story writing and debate held today for students, through which the message of 'religious harmony' reverberated all over the world.
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