CMS students celebrate 'World Nature Conservation Day

Lucknow, 28 July : Students of City Montessori School, Rajajipuram campus II celebrated the 'World Nature Conservation Day' today, spreading awareness for environment conservation through a cycle rally, street play and various cultural items, calling for people’s participation in this noble campaign. Earlier, Principal of CMS Rajajipuram Campus II, Mrs Anupama Checker flagged off the cycle rally of students which successfully attempted to create sensitivity towards the environment in the society. This cycle rally of CMS students started from  Rajajipuram Campus II and covered an area of 4 Kms. This information was given by the Chief Public Relations Officer of CMS, Mr Hari Om Sharma.

               Earlier in the morning, CMS students presented several educational cultural items at the school premises through which they raised their voice for environment protection presenting various educational-cultual items like talk show, puppet show, monologue, choir, skit, poem recitation and fancy dress etc. On this occasion, Anupama Checker, Principal of CMS Rajajipuram Campus II said that just as we are making efforts towards our physical and spiritual upliftment, in the same way we should have a clear goal in our hearts and minds for environmental conservation. It is our endeavor that by realising the importance of environmental conservation, not only today's generation would live happily, but the generations to come can also breathe and be safe in a green, pure environment.Expressing happiness over the sincere efforts of the students for environment conservation, CMS founder, Dr Jagdish Gandhi said that CMS is determined to make every student an environmentally conscious person and for this purpose, CMS is always playing a leading role to ensure environment protection.





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