AED is a life saver in cases of Sudden Cardiac Arrest — Dr Aditya Kapoor

Lucknow, 6 February : A demonstration of the newly installed Automated External Defibrillator (AED) was conducted in the Head Office of City Montessori School today. The inauguration of the machine was done by Dr Aditya Kapoor, Head of the Department of Cardiology, SGPGI, Lucknow at CMS Head Office. He also provided detailed information about its purpose, use and operation. Several senior officers and staff of the head office including CMS Founders, Drs Jagdish & Bharti Gandhi, President & MD, Prof Geeta Gandhi Kingdon and Chief Technical Advisor, Mr Vinay Gandhi were present on the occasion and attended the informative session conducted by Dr Kapoor.Dr Aditya Kapoor said that AED is a life saver in cases of Sudden Cardiac Arrest, which means when the heart stops beating, something that can occur without any prior symptoms, in persons of any age. 

            Dr Kapoor also trained the CMS staff in ‘Cardio-Pulmonary Resuscitation’, (CPR) and demonstrated the correct way to conduct it on a patient. He further informed that timely CPR before medical aid arrives, can often revive the person but that if CPR fails, AED can come to the rescue of such patients. Dr Kapoor advised the machine’s installation in all public places such as malls, airports, railways stations, offices, schools and other public places which see a regular foot-fall of visitors.The installation of AED at its head office is another step by CMS to ensure the welfare of its staff. Drs Jagdish & Bharti Gandhi felicitated Dr Kapoor by presenting a memento.

            Chief Public Relations Officer of CMS, Mr Hari Om Sharma informed that the use of the AED machine involves putting two pads on the chest (the pads are connected to the machine with a wire), which detect fibrillation in the heart. Once the AED machine advises and the shock btton is pressed, the machine gives an electric shock which usually ‘kick-starts’ the heart and resuscitates the person.



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