Including Yoga in modern life-style will bring about creative change in society — Mrs Sushma Kharakwal, Mayor, Lucknow


Lucknow, June 21 : On the occasion of UN International Day of Yoga, City Montessori School, Rajajipuram Campus I organized Inter-School Yoga Meet today on its school premises. Chief Guest, Mrs Sushma Kharakwal, Mayor of Lucknow, inaugurated the Yoga Meet. Addressing the vast gathering, Mrs Kharakwal said that the including of yoga in the life-style of the youth will bring about creative and constructive changes in society as our young generation will become physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually strong. On this occasion, CMS Founder,
Dr Jagdish Gandhi and Principal of CMS Rajajipuram Campus I, Mrs Nisha Pandey along with the Principals of all other CMS Campuses and eminent dignitaries spread the message of 'Yog Se Nirog (health through yoga) by performing yoga and pranayam collectively.

            Addressing the gathering on this occasion, CMS Founder Dr Jagdish Gandhi said that the purpose of this yoga celebration is to make people aware of the importance of yoga and to make them conscious of mental, physical and spiritual well being and health. Looking at the present life-style, it is our responsibility to motivate the young generation for sports, yogic activities and physical exercises so that the establishment of a healthy and stable society can be made possible.

            At the Inter-school Yoga Meet, students from various schools of Lucknow participated to showcase various yogasanas and yogik postures that kept the audience spell bound. Competitions were held in three categories. Participating students performed Virbhadrasana, Chakra Bandhasana, Vibhakta Paschimottanasana, Purna Supta Vajrasana, Padam Sarvangasana, Purna Bhujangasana, Padangushth Dhanurasana, Garudasana, Parsvakonasana, Bakasana, Purna Supta Vajrasana, Eka Pada Chakrasana, Yoga Nidrasana, Matsyasana, Purna Dhanurasana, Trikonasana, Padahastasana, Ushtrasana, Garbhasana, Eka Pada Sikandhasana, Chakrasana, Sarvangasana, Dhanurasana etc. Every participating team comprised 5 students who performed 5 yogik asanas in 6 minutes. Renowned yoga experts judged their performances. At the end, Convenor of Yoga Meet and Senior Principal of CMS Rajajipuram Campus I, Mrs Nisha Pandey expressed her gratitude towards one and all.


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