CMS student Vinamra Mehrotra top scores in the city in CUET A maximum number of 99 CMS students clear CUET this year
Lucknow, July 16: Vinamra Mehrotra, a student of City Montessori School, Aliganj Campus I scored 799.64 marks out of 800 in Common University Entrance Test (CUET) to emerge as the city topper. Talking about his preparation, Vinamra says, ‘self-preparation and attempting mock tests helped me to achieve my target. I put in 4-5 hours of study every day to prepare for the CUET’. Vinamra scored full marks in English, Physical Education, Political Science and Psychology and has plans to major in Economics and Political Science from St. Stephens College. He gives credit of his success to his parents and teachers at school who motivated him from time to time to put in his best. His father is a businessman and mother, a housewife.
Other high scorers from CMS include Devansh Singh and Geetika Srivastava who both scored 769 marks out of 800 and Adrika Shukla with 679 out of 800 marks. All three students are from CMS Mahanagar Campus.
A total of 99 students from CMsS cleared CUET this year. Dr Jagdish Gandhi congratulated all the students and said that CMS students are setting the highest benchmarks of excellence and I am sure they will achieve great success in their careers.
एक टिप्पणी भेजें