CMS is preparing the younger generation to build a better society — Shri Indrajeet Singh, Municipal Commissioner, Lucknow


Lucknow, February 12: City Montessori School, Rajajipuram Campus I organized a grand Workshop on Environment on its well-decorated and blossoming green Campus. The Chief Guest on this occasion was Shri Indrajeet Singh, Municipal Commissioner of Lucknow who inaugurated the Workshop by lighting the Lamp of Learning. In his address, the Chief Guest appreciated the CMS educational pattern which prepares the students to build a better society. He was extremely happy that CMS is contributing actively and also inspiring others for saving the environment, saving water, saving energy and groundwater supplies and doing a lot of useful work through projects in this regard. He emphasized the fact that every citizen should share collective responsibility towards social development. Citing several examples, he inspired the students for intelligent use of natural resources and effective waste management. On this occasion, he also honoured the sanitation workers. Earlier, Shri Singh offered flowers on the portrait of Renowned Educationist and Founder of CMS, late Dr Jagdish Gandhi, and gave tribute to him.

               On this occasion, the CMS President and Manager, Prof. Geeta Gandhi Kingdon, motivated the students saying that conscientious and responsible citizens are important for the progress of society. We have to be contributors to a developing society rather than expecting things to be tailor made for us by the administration. The Workshop began with the School Prayer and All Religion Prayer. Around 750 pupils of the school participated in this Workshop with enthusiasm and pledged to spread awareness regarding climate change, environmental protection, soil, and water and energy conservation.. They also updated the general public about their commitment to clean the Haider Canal and other projects in the pipeline. The Workshop concluded with Vote of Thanks by the Senior Principal of CMS Rajajipuram Campus I, Mrs Nisha Pandey.    


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