Vaibhav of CMS wins Gold in International Hindi Olympiad
Lucknow, February 21 : Vaibhav Srivastava, a talented Class
VIII student of City Montessori School, Rajendra Nagar Campus II brought glory
to the institution by winning a Gold Medal in the International Hindi Olympiad.
This Olympiad was organized under the aegis of the Hindi Olympiad Foundation,
New Delhi. Students from prestigious schools in India and abroad participated
and showcased their knowledge of Hindi. This information was given by the Chief
Public Relations Officer of CMS, Shri Hari Om Sharma. He added that amidst
tough competition, Vaibhav demonstrated with his brilliant performance that to
be successful in today’s times, every student must have excellent knowledge of
his/her mother tongue. It is also important to have knowledge of Hindi for
students' moral and character development. The Olympiad's organisers, while
praising Vaibhav's multi-sided talent, rewarded him with a gold medal and
certificate. CMS President and Manager, Prof. Geeta Gandhi Kingdon,
congratulated Vaibhav for his achievement and wished him a bright future.
Shri Sharma informed that while CMS
students have a strong grip on the English language, they have also
demonstrated their prowess in their mother tongue, Hindi. CMS aims to impart an
education to its students which can prepare them to become world leaders, so
that they may lead the global society with their humane vision. Due to this
education, CMS students bring glory to the city and country by emerging as
winners in various international and national competitions.
एक टिप्पणी भेजें