CMS teachers shine in National Teaching Competition
Lucknow, January 30 : Teachers from City
Montessori School have brought laurels to Lucknow by showcasing their
exceptional teaching skills and professional expertise in the national-level
CENTA Teaching Quotient Test (CENTA TQ). Ms. Srishti Bharti from CMS Asharfabad
Campus and Ms. Fahmina Iram Siddiqui from CMS Chowk Campus performed
outstandingly in this prestigious competition, organized under the aegis of the
Centre for Teacher Accreditation (CENTA). Thousands of teachers from schools
across the country participated in this competition. This information was given
by Mr Rishi Khanna, Head, Communications, CMS. Mr. Khanna informed that
participants in this competition were evaluated on three key parameters:
subject expertise, classroom communication, and elements of verbal
communication. For their outstanding performance, CMS teachers have been
awarded certificates of appreciation and the CENTA Teaching Quotient digital
badge. These teachers will now participate in the CENTA Teaching Professional
Olympiad at the international level. CMS Manager, Prof. Geeta Gandhi Kingdon,
extended her heartfelt congratulations to both teachers and wished them a
bright future.Mr
Khanna further informed that CENTA Teaching Test is the substantiation for
teaching excellence in which teachers from schools across India compete. He
added that the CENTA Teaching Quotient Test aims to encourage teachers to
develop their skills and talents. At this unique contest, the teachers are
selected on the basis of their proficiency in subjects, experience, and high
academic standards.
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